"There is something wrong with a society that drives a car to work out in a gym."

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 48

Start: Delta, UT
End: Border, UT and NV
Distance today: 87.9
Total: 3103.3

It's amazing sometimes how accurate Murphy's Law is... The longest stretch of the whole trip between 'towns' was 83 miles today through the desert, and somehow it was on this particular day, 50 miles from Delta, 30 miles from the Border Motel, with a 2000 foot ridge in the way, that my chain decided to break! There is literally no worse place on this entire trip that this could have happened.

Thankfully, I know what I'm doing and had a chain tool with me and 15 minutes later, I was on my way, and we go to the border around 5:00 (well, 4:00 pacific time)

Plenty of time to play the slots and have a few drinks to celebrate knocking off another state!!! Only 2 states left!


  1. Respect for your emergency repair skills. What all do you have in your toolkit, anyway?

  2. Hex wrench set, chain tool, spoke wrench, Swiss army knife (including small pliers and screwdriver), small adjustable wrench, spare tubes, chain lubricant, pump, and duct tape

  3. Duct tape. Nice.

    I like how the town is called Border.

  4. It's not so much a 'town', but rather a gas station-cafe-motel... And it is quite literally on the border. The cafe part is on the Nevada side, while the motel part is on the Utah side... The gas station part is right in between...
