"There is something wrong with a society that drives a car to work out in a gym."

Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 49

Start: Border, UT and NV
End: Ely, NV
Distance today: 61.6
Total: 3165.0

1000-pi miles! Woohoo!

What a fun day. Well, it didn't start out too fun. Not that it was a bad start, but today's ride was in general pretty uneventful. Relatively short at 61 miles, nice weather. We got to our campsite outside of Ely a little after 3pm...

Reading the local brochure on things to do in Ely, we see an ad for one of the casinos that mention a free limousine pick-up from the campground! So the question is, would we rather ride our bikes another 3 miles into town, or get a FREE limo ride? Naturally, we assumed it would be a small taxi-type limo, but no! It was a full stretched limo that pulled up into the campground!

On the way to the casino, our driver mentions the Silver State Classic Challenge, an open road race on regular highway from Ely to Las Vegas, and it just so happens that the Friday before the race, all the race cars have a parade down the main street of Ely. And it just so happens that one of the traditions of this parade is for the race car drivers to toss candy out the windows to the kids watching the parade. And it just so happens that Michele is small enough to look like a kid to a guy on a race car who isn't really looking all thy hard... So... FREE CANDY!!!

We followed the parade with dinner at some Chinese place, where we bumped into a crew of construction folk who we met earlier in the day at a rest stop, and we got to have a laugh at the coincidence of having dinner at the same place.

After dinner, we went to a casino where we ended up losing $5 playing slots and drinking 99 cent margaritas that may or may not have actually had any alcohol in them, and finally got another FREE limo ride back to the campsite (but not before bumping into the SAME construction crew for the THIRD time that day)

Anyways, it's now 8:20 and Michele is already in bed. Seriously. 8:20. How awesome is that???




  1. Hi Chris & Michelle. I am praying for you.

  2. Hi Chris, Becky is home and I just showed her the pi miles photo. Awe, Chris, she said, cute!
