"There is something wrong with a society that drives a car to work out in a gym."

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 39

Start: Granby, CO
End: Steamboat Springs, CO
Distance today: 86.5
Total: 2531.9

Here's Michele on the brink of a 10 mile descent (I know the sign says 7 miles, but it lied.) it's hard to think of something more rewarding after climbing up to the continental divide for the second day in a row than 10 miles of constant 35 mph riding with absolutely no need for pedaling or for brakes!

We have now crossed the divide three times in the past two days, but we're solidly in the pacific watershed from this point on... It's all down hill from here! (if only we were actually that lucky... Sigh...)

On another note, I just saw the most amazing array of color during a sunset, which my iPhone camera utterly failed to capture... :(

Finally, I'd like to give a shout out to all the amazing and dedicated teachers in NYC who start classes tomorrow! Best of luck! I miss you!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Chris & Michelle, I am thoroughly enjoying your blog, it's great to see an "appropriate" use of the technology ;-). I have a theory that no camera is capable of capturing truly amazing sunset, rainbows, sunrises or other spectacular displays of nature. I just enjoy the moment and treasure them in my memory, but thanks for trying.
