End: Estes Park, CO
Distance today: 42.3
Total: 2350.1
What a day... Started with some delicious apple and banana pancakes up at Jen and Josh's place, then they drove us to Fort Collins for the Tour de Fat, a bike festival sponsored by a brewery in Fort Collins. It was quite the scene... Hundreds of people all dressed up in ridiculous costumes cruising around town on bikes, followed by drinks, music, and general festival type tents and booths.... All the while still wearing costumes. We, unfortunately, were in normal street clothes and definitely felt underdressed for the occasion.
After the Tour de Fat, Michele and I set out for the mountains! Quite an amazing ride up through the canyon to Estes Park. It was a pretty short ride, mileage wise, but it gave us a good taste of the climbing we're going to have to do tomorrow... Up to 12000 feet! (we're around 7500 right now), But of course, what goes up must come down! I can't wait!!!
That's a really awesome picture of who I'm assuming is Michelle (she looks so cute there on her bike). The sun just hit your camera lens just so... nice. :) Hope you're having a good day today despite the wet/cold in Colorado