"There is something wrong with a society that drives a car to work out in a gym."

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 37

Start: Estes Park, CO
End: Estes Park, CO
Distance today: 29.3
Total: 2379.4

It might have been the Ethiopian food at the Tour de Fat, or maybe it was the soup at the mexican place, but either way, Michele wasn't feeling too well this morning, so we decided to spend an extra day in Estes Park before the long climb ahead of us.

While Michele recovered, I went out for a quick 28 mile ride through Drake and Glen Haven and back to Estes Park (about 18 miles down and 10 miles up) I reached a personal record speed: 45.1 mph!!!


Spent the rest of the afternoon tourist-watching in downtown Estes Park.


  1. hey! FYI altitude sickness can give symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and headache similar to food poisoning. Take tylenol and drink a lot of water especially if you're from the east coast or west coast... People in CO are the only one who knows that. good luck

  2. Thanks! She's feeling much better now... I've had altitude sickness before and I'm pretty sure this was something else, since it was just a stomach thing...

  3. Wow, 45 mph?? I'm impressed. My personal record is still about 29.5 mph. Baby steps!

  4. Seriously... a "quick 28-mile ride".
