"There is something wrong with a society that drives a car to work out in a gym."

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 22

Start: Sedalia, MO
End: Kansas City, MO
Distance today: 100.7
Total: 1535.1

Our first century of the trip (over 100 miles)... although we came awfully close once before (99.6, if my memory serves me correctly)

Michele has a second cousin in Kansas City, so we decided not to finish the Katy trail (which would have taken us too far south). Plus, we didn't have dry camping gear after last night, so we made it a long day to get here.

Turns out that Michele's cousin's husband's family was having a BBQ tonight, so we got to spend the evening there eating and drinking (and meant that I got to spend most of the night listening to conversations in Vietnamese...)

They have a great story, though. Four brothers who came to the US in 1993 with just the clothes on their back... 17 years later, they all live in the same area of Kansas City, all with their own homes and businesses.

Missouri has been a really fun state, and while I'm looking forward to finishing another state tomorrow, there's part of me that isn't exactly sure what I have to look forward to in Kansas...

Trivia question of the day: in the category of abbreviations for types of roads (eg: st = street, blvd = boulevard, etc), what does 'tfwy' stand for?

ps - the answer for the trivia question a few days ago is: US Route 20

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