Start: Topeka, KS
End: Tuttle Creek Lake, near Manhattan, KS (aka The Little Apple)
Distance today: 70.9
Total: 1681.3
OMG, the weather was BEAUTIFUL today!!! After a few days of riding in 90+ humidity, a cold front came through! It was a high of 80 today, with no humidity, and we even got lucky and had nice cool cloud cover, but no rain this morning through the front. This trip would be so much easier if the weather was like this every day!
I have to give a great big thanks to John and Sofia for letting us stay at their place in Topeka! Awesome BBQ, awesome Vietnamese crepes, and an awesome dog, Silo!
We rode for a bit today on the Historic Oregon Trail. We only lost one ox while crossing the river, and no one died of Cholera, so I guess we were lucky!
We had a rather easy ride to Manhattan (did we really ride 1600 miles just to end up back in Manhattan???) where we wandered around Kansas State campus and had some good beer at the Little Apple Brewery (thanks for the tip, Laura!)
A nice quiet campsite on a lake with a full moon rounded out this beautiful Kansas day... Wish I could get a picture of the moon, but since all I have is my iPhone camera, here's a picture of corn and soy instead...
Ps... Just where exactly does all this soy go??? I never realized we grew so much soy in this country. And speaking of growing things, where's all the wheat??? Aren't there supposed to be amber waves of grain somewhere? Maybe the wheat is grown earlier in the year, and then they harvest it and plant soy? Hmmm... Will have to investigate this...